Here, on two extensive maps, are my ideas for developing east of England motorways. As everyone knows, Lincolnshire and Norfolk have long been starved of investment for decent roads and the whole region retains both long journey times and high accident rates. Investing in decent roads in both central and eastern Lincolnsire, but starting from the A168/ A19 in the north and incorporating York and Hull, connections in the full system would go east and centrally as far as Nottingham, Peterborough and Norwich, complimenting the current H based motorway core and including in the A14 and A46. The new main motorways would be the M16 from Peterborough to Thirsk/ A1, the M17 from Norwich to Nottingham, and M47 for Northampton, and the A15 to incorporate Lincoln and Scunthorpe with a southern link to the A1 via an A15 extension. A feature is a part M17 and A1 merger.