Church Community Centre Project

Architects produced plans to enable the New Holland Anglican church Community Centre project to go forward for Lottery funding.

Few people attended it regularly and so the chancel space only was the regular space for worship, but allowing for overspill into the central area on busier festivals. The central area itself will have a stage and will otherwise be used for drama and dancing. The far area will have an extra floor inserted (full access) giving extra facilities for community groups and adult education.

New extensions were to give outside delivery access to the better kitchen, and improved toilet facilities too, both at the side. There was to be an office and store room as the extension goes around the end. The tower might have had a pyramid roof added with use of its rooms.

Outside there was to be paving, flush pavement lights and evergreens.

The scheme was supported by the New Holland Community Development Association, and the picture here webpage appeared in Issue 3, July 2001, with some additional colouring here for effect.

This church has a history stretching over one hundred years.


Adrian Worsfold