Higher Academic Work Page

Sociology of Religion and Theology

In 1989 I completed my University of Hull Ph.D called New Denominationalism: Tendencies Towards a New Reformation of English Christianity. Completed using an Amstrad PCW it was converted afterwards to be more like a readable book and less like a thesis. Nothing came of it and this electronic version has since been lost. However, Ph.D theses were digitised and now a picture and text OCR version exists. So, after a gap from 1998 when this website was begun until May 2016, the Ph.D now exists again.


Here is the Summary of the Ph.D thesis:

In 1995, Contemporary Mainstream Religion, was published by Avebury, edited by Peter G. Forster, and I had a chapter in it based on the participant observation in my Ph.D research. Click on the academic woman to read it as a web page. Use select, copy and paste to another application to save it later.

Contemporary Mainstream Religion chapter here

Another use of the Ph.D was towards a syllabus in the Sociology of Religion at University of Hull Centre for Lifelong Learning. In 1997 and 1998 the syllabus was accepted but there were insufficient student numbers each time to run the course.

Click on the group below to view the webpage of the syllabus.

Sociology of Religion syllabus here



Since my Ph.D on mainstream churches, I completed an MA more focussed upon the problem of liberalism and religion, and taking as a study the consequences of the most extreme form of liberalism - pluralism and individualism without limits. For this I built an idealised model of Unitarian Universalism and compared this with real situations. Completed in 1998, the dissertation is marked and I have my MA. It is called Plurality in Proximity: The Gospel of Unitarian Universalism for Contemporary Culture.

Here is a summary of the MA

Click on the owl to read.

In 1996-1997 I gave a three-part lecture to the MA Theological Understanding of Contemporary Society class in its sociology section based on this thesis (despite also being a student of the course!). You can read this PDF lecture. Click on the altar table for it. Incidentally, the file is called triangle.pdf after the mainstream triangle, offered as a summary shape of contemporary main denominations.

Click in here for three Sociology of Religion lectures


I wanted to write in the manner of my Ph.D relating to the Unitarian Church. I did this as an experiment and a suggestion of extra research within the MA course. This and aspects of the disertation became a talk to the Hull and District Theological Society on 2nd December 1998. It is called The Hull Unitarian Church: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, although it has a wider application and only set the Hull church within a context of Unitarian history, theology and pluralism and general sharp decline. In my view the nineteenth century leader James Martineau established the never resolved liberal contradiction between the language of theism and the higher authority of the individual in a setting of creedlessness, the former being objective and the latter subjective. Postmodernism does make creedlessness and supreme and logical in its terms through the pursuit of "difference".

Here is a summary of the talk

The talk is in full as a web page. Use select, copy and paste to another application to save it later. Click on the UUA chalice.

Talk to Hull and District Theological Society on Hull Unitarianism