Magazine Archive: The Hull Unitarian: June/ July 1995


During March we were able to raise £70 for Hospital Radio and in April £102 for the Drivers for the Disabled - sorry l got the name wrong last time I reported.

We managed to find someone who was able to take over the stall in May, namely Joan for the Save the Children Fund. We are grateful to her for taking on the stall at such short notice, but already it has raised £100.

June will be in aid of the Ileostomy Society and the two Yettas have promised to bring lots of goods. It will be good to see them and Mr and Mrs Markham again.

In July the stall will be in aid of the HRI BabyUnit - this charity is supported by Pamela Stlachan and her friends in a fiower arranging group so come along and see what is on offer.

Remember we are open every Friday between 10.30 and 12.30 and we hope to see you all.



This Fund has been set up by the G.A. specifically for new initiatives designed to promote the growth of the movement. These will include Ministerial and Lay Training, Development, Buildings, Social Responsibility, Youth and Communication.

Gifts may be made by single donations, annual donation under covenant or through Gift Aid, monthly Bankers' Standing Order with covenant, Charities Aid Foundaion cheque, or through a legacy. lt is hoped to raise £1 million by the turn of the century. Large or small donations are welcome.


Adrian Worsfold

Pluralist - Liberal and Thoughtful