Freeware Snapfiles

Some Internet Notes

Internet v FTP

Web browsing means making connections to a server and retrieving files which are displayed by the web browser. FTP, however, provides a view of the files on the remote server as if in a computer window. Files can be uploaded and downloaded.
Going via the Internet to download a file can be time consuming by hopping across and up and down pages as laid out by the webmaster. FTP cuts out the wasted journey by going straight to the file required in its folder. See below about Cloud operations.

Web Structure

Make changes first to the computer site and then change the web site in files and folders FTP style to be exactly the same. This means that link pathways which work on the computer work on the website.
Cloud services like Dropbox do away with FTP operations because the folder structure and file links on the computer become the folder structure and file links on the Internet. Make a ghost URL link to the Dropbox index page and all else follows on, like a website. All editing within the computer becomes editing saved on the cloud.
Unix servers are case sensitive so stick to lower case unless there's a good case not to. Better to use .html as the extension too I've found.

HTML e-mails and viruses

HTML e-mails allow formatting but it is also a doorway for viruses. Text only e-mails do not in themselves permit viruses (attachments can). My preference is DreamMail, default text, and Phoenix Mail, where every email is a separate text file.


ISPs' set ups sometimes prevent web page viewing using other ISPs. One solution: go to View, Internet Options, Connections, Lan Settings, and alter to bypass a proxy server for local addresses.
Start Internet Explorer differently each time

Writing HTML

In NoteTab write the text first. Content is best - a good text file of information and opinion people want to read.
Then use Modify to convert it to HTML (can be set to XHTML directly). The HTML file will begin and end with the presets of choice [see View - Options - Internet] and in this way style sheet and Javascript links can be preset for every conversion.
Within HTML set up images and use the HTML clipbook for assistance.

Those shortcuts

Almost all applications use Control+C for Copy, Control+X for Cut, Control+S for Save, Control+F for Find (not image editors), Control+R for Replace (not image editors, eg Resize), Control+P for Print, Control+Z for Undo, and Control+Y for Redo (but some image editors use Control+Y for cropping!)

Image Map Notes

The image map is where a mouse cursor becomes a pointer on selected areas of a graphic and the user can go off to different HTML pages by clicking on the selected areas. The syntax looks like this.

<div align="center">
<img src="mapped.gif" border="0" width="600" height="391" usemap="#Mapped" alt="Bonskeid Map" />
<map name="Mapped">

<area shape="POLY" coords="151,106,120,88,126,70,152,45,187,68" href="gallery/htxx.html" alt="Walled Garden" />

<area shape="CIRCLE" coords="232,103,10" href="gallery/htyy.html" alt="Maze" />

<area shape="RECT" coords="228,115,243,138" href="gallery/htff.html" alt="What the high view sees" />

<area shape="Default" nohref="nohref" />
GEOHTML helps write such code by allowing dragging shapes across an imported graphic. Refinements can be done in Windows Paint - converting .jpgs and.gifs into .bmps and then checking the co-ordinates, and using the magnifier.
A mind map program with its export to HTML facility produces an image map webpage for the mind map graphic.


Adrian Worsfold