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Sensual Strength

The big question facing sexual activity and the back with difficulties is: should the back be risked, or is its involvement actually good for it? The back is involved in every active position. Remaining watchful, sex is itself a form of exercise. However, exercises listed above relate to the following positions which require strengths as listed.

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15 certificate: click to leaveThe couple lean back on the floor, surface or bed, facing each other, with sexual contact, legs going outside of each other. Arms go back in support. Hamstrings need to be flexible, as one partner's legs may be more bent than the other. There is gluteal contraction and pelvic tilting. If a partner leans forward great abdominal power is needed especially if the hands go on to the partner's body.
Exercise: full sit up
Exercise: knee tuck
Exercise: press ups
Exercise: reverse abdominal curls
Exercise: tricep bench dips
Stretch: abductors
Stretch: lower back
Stretch: seated hamstring

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15 certificate: click to leave The man is on his back with legs in the air. Facing the same way the partner sits upon him. The hamstrings and gluteals are required to be in good shape to both support the woman and raise his legs. The abdominals need strength too.
Exercise: abdominal crunch
Exercise: back extension
Exercise: knee tuck
Exercise: reverse abdominal curls
Exercise: seated leg press
Stretch: knee hug
Stretch: lower trunk rotators
Stretch: lying hamstring

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Vertical Lifting

15 certificate: click to leaveLifting alone requires powerful legs as well as strength in the lower back as the man stands and his partner sits upon him with legs using his hips. The supported partner might put their feet on to a chair for support. Squatting by the man alone requires less power but more balance. It still needs strong knees. If balance is not possible, a wall may be an assistance. Trying both together in vertical lifting is very telling on the knees and back and likely to shorten lovemaking.
Exercise: seated cable row
Exercise: weight bend
Exercise: weight squat
Stretch: cat
Stretch: mid back
Stretch: standing hamstring

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15 certificate: click to leave The man is above his partner. The partner is laid on the floor, surface or bed. His raised position means the man using his arm or arms (not locked at the elbow) to support his weight and create more impact. Thrust comes when the gluteal muscles get contracted and there is pelvic tilting with the abdominals.
Exercise: gluteal squeeze
Exercise: knee tuck
Exercise: one handed press ups
Exercise: press ups
Exercise: static pressed up
Stretch: back arch
Stretch: cat
Stretch: chest

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15 certificate: click to leaveThis sexual position is where one arm of the man lifts his partner off the surface, and one knee forward takes most of the load. It needs upper body endurance. Strength in the shoulders and biceps in the lifting arm is required, and in the chest, shoulders and biceps in the supporting arm too.
Exercise: back extension
Exercise: tricep bench dips
Exercise: weight bicep curl
Exercise: weight row
Stretch: back arch
Stretch: chest
Stretch: hip flexors

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