How do Bananas help understanding of poverty and justice?

Bananas show differences in the world economy: growers avoiding or falling into international poverty in Less Developed Countries.

African Caribbean Pacific (ACP) bananas are grown for the European Union (EU) into its protected market for former colonies: less efficient but better income for producers.

Dollar bananas (Central and South America) are highly efficient but huge scale grown in plantations controlled by United States buying multinationals. They sell into the US and Japan.

Dollar bananas cost half as much to grow than ACP bananas. So the pressure is on the EU to free its market. The pressure comes from consumers, US companies and the costs of enlarging the EU.

If the EU opens up its market, prices fall and growers will get less. They will have to grow like Dollar bananas. Producers will be poorer and more dependent on multinationals. Multinationals can then force the money paid to growers down further.

Growers' land will have less diversity and poorer support for creatures; the natural world will suffer from more pesticides.

Bananas will be judged according to large retailer's demand for uniform shape and lack of marks, rather than taste and nutrition.

The moral is: the rich West has to pay more to give better justice to the grower in Less Developed Countries.

"Cheaper bananas mean more efficiency and better profits all round" Do you agree? Give reasons showing different viewpoints.