Discourses of Change

This is a response to my friend David Strachan's [now lost] Paths of Living diagram. Looking at it I made the point that I disagree with its spirituality foundationalism, that somehow there is a driving force towards creative complexity which comes to one fruition in human consciousness. In response I decided to produce a hierarchical Mind Map ® or Spider Diagram, although it became so large using eMindMaps ™ that it overlapped itself visually (reaching an obvious maximum size). Thus principal branches were separated into separate Mind Maps (see below) although the text version was unaffected (and which follows).

Such a Mind Map is not exhaustive or definitive in whole or detail. It does not explain itself, but only gives clues through the use of text headings and relationships. It is as much for reader reflection as author creation. They can be viewed microscopically at any part.

Obviously I could not repeat the spirituality and creativity foundationalism that David uses or indeed its linear core. My principle objection to this is that evolution to be evolution must be local and particular and cannot contain any sense of a greater plan interfering (however gently, distant, tilting or whatever). Giraffes necks do not strive to reach tall trees: the animals with the taller necks succeeded over the others in this area of comparative advantage, even if this came about through a leap at a time of species-mixing (rather than the alternative of slow incremental increases) through copying and placing into the environmental advantage. We as the one reamining human species have not evolved significantly for many thousands of years: when there were many species and human-apes they did and the species best able to hunt, gather and plan succeeeded and destroyed its rivals, the last rival being the Neanderthals.

David and I had this conversation. Now of course, as is David's interest, humans do develop themselves because they are self-conscious. They learn, store knowledge in forms of libraries and act technically. There is individualism and group dynamics, tribal rules and genetic preferencing.

The key focus regarding consciousness and mind as a focus is language, and impacts upon collective and individual consciousness (understanding) are the discourses we use. My focus is on change, especially the more recent. I chose three areas for the Mind Maps: Sciences plus (the plus meaning mathematics), Cultural Study (preferred over Cultural Studies or Arts - click for its Mind Map) and Social Sciences. The discourses break down into smaller sections of impact. There are many area surely left out and people may have their own relationships and ordering structure. By discourse I mean rules of understanding which govern approaches to science and its parts, cultural study and its parts and social science and its parts.

In the textual Mind Map movement to the right each time is a continuing branch. Texts equal at the left start are different equal branches off what was left above and may have their own extensions underneath representing movement to the right. Anything to the left yet below, is a dead end branch in respect to its one to the left above. Compare the text version with the diagrams.


Discourses of Change

Sciences plus

                Kuhnian Paradigms
                        Collapsed Universes
                                Unsustaining rules
                        Alternative Universes
                                Beyond our space time
                        This Universe
                                Origin into imbalance
                                Sustainable rules
                                        Build Capacity
                                Einsteinian Space-Time
                                        Expansion to death
                                        Problem - missing 90% mass
                                        Problem - faster expansion
                                Particle physics
                                        Unknown theorised dimensions
                                        Observation affects results (postmodern)
                                        Mathematics into the unknown real
                                Newtonian historical
                                Religion to no causal explanation
                                High technology solutions
                        High technology solutions
                Local Evolution
                        Copying genes
                Religion to no causal explanation
                Earliest to Early life
                        African Ape (origins)
                                Australopithecus (Anamensis, Afarensis)
                                        Homo (Habilis, Erectus)
                                                Homo (others)
                                                        Homo Sapiens
                                        Homo (other)
                                        Australopithecus (others)
                                Australopithecus (others)
                        Other animals (evolving)
                Relativity very large (postmodern)
                Relativity very small (postmodern)

Cultural Study

Cultural Study
        Creative Culture
                        Publishing concentration
                        Plainsong - order in simplicity
                        Polyphonic - producing variety
                        Baroque - maths music
                        Classical - ear for regularity and flair
                        Romantic - richness and experience
                        Modern - creative edges
                        Art Nouveau
                        Pop Art
                                Following concave mirrors, optics and dark rooms
                                Paper and Leather
                                Mass archive of snaps
                                Aesthetic Intentions
                                        Window-like Realism
                                        Formalism of arrangement
                                        Expressionism of effects
                        Still with Moving
                                Constructed Pictoralism
                                Relating science, beauty and art
                                Digital art
                                Golden mean
                        Classical - formal and mathematical
                        Modernist - not making the new person
                        Postmodern and Eclectic
                        Where we live - need for personal space
                        Where we work- conditions and communicative space
                        LP records
                        Mini Disc
                        5¼" Disk
                        3" Disk consumer
                        3½" Disk standard
                        Larger ROM
                        Larger RAM
                                        HTML to 3.2
                                                HTML 4
                                        Visual Basic
                                Message Boards
                                Record and Read Write CDs
                        Record DVDs
                                Word Processing
                                Desk Top Publishing
                                Mind Mapping
        Intellectual Culture
                Historiography -Time
                        Empirical - history as documented
                        Quantitative - mass history
                        Annales - trends of "total history"
                        Sociological - systems and causality
                        Marxist - the powerful and conflict
                        Gender - missing women and feminist view
                        Psychohistory - impact of individuals and childhood
                        Oral - the present frames the past
                        Ethnohistory - primitive societies recalled
                        Postcolonial - corrective replacing the "alien other"
                        Narrative - building stories of our past
                        Poststructural - fact and fiction in a soup
                Geography- Space
                        Quantitiative - the world as statistics
                        Qualitative - the world as description
                        Human organisation and movement
                                        Out of town
                                        Urban centres
                                Transport changes
                        Physical change long term
                        World environmental challenges
                                Near Eastern
                                                Old rituals
                                                Zionist power
                                                Messianic/ Non-Zionist
                                                Ethnic identity
                                                        Ritual identity
                                                Progressive/ Peace
                                                        Breaking barriers
                                                Chosen People
                                                        Holiness demand
                                                        Spain 1492
                                                        Europe 1930s-1940s
                                                Hebrew Bible
                                                Feminist challenge
                                                        Pro-Israel Messianic and conflict
                                                        Creeds as certainty
                                                        Creeds as unity
                                                Compromise Liberal
                                                        Limited Heterodoxy
                                                        Meeting Faiths
                                                        Rationalised/ Reasonable
                                                        Creeds as big themes
                                                        Social concern
                                                Radical Postmodern
                                                        Rave Spirituality
                                                        Heterodox Beliefs
                                                        Reinvented Paganised
                                                        Absorbing Eastern Faiths
                                                        Creeds as questions
                                                        Social justice
                                                        God died into writing
                                                Informing traditions
                                                        Old Testament
                                                                Judaism themes
                                                        New Testament
                                                                Early Churches Faith
                                                        Other Gospels
                                                Jesus of Nazareth
                                                        Teachings and Ethical
                                                        Modernist Historical puzzles
                                                        Christ dogmas
                                                        Postmodern Literary constructs
                                                Militant defensive
                                                Intellectual historical
                                                Old regimes
                                                Sunni orthodoxy
                                                Shia orthodoxy
                                                World brotherhood
                                                Quran as revealed
                                                History of revelation
                                                Modernist themes
                                                        Science and Religion
                                                        Unity World
                                                Unity Faith and Politics
                                                Covenant Breakers
                                                Democratic Centralism
                                                Western interface
                                                Mahayana ancient exotic
                                                Hinayana minimalist
                                                Zen nothingness
                                                Spiritual hierarchy
                                                Modernist/ International
                                                Conservative/ Nationalist
                                                Positive diversity
                                                Unacceptable practices
                                                Communal defensive
                                                Pure faith - God as Name
                                                Philosophical balance
                                                Conservative authorities
                                        Primitive forms
                        Religion and Ethics
                        Ethics/ Morals
                                Absolute retrenching
                                Inclusive of Diversity
                                Individual decisions
                        How to think
                                Senses and Reliability

Social Sciences

        Political Economy
                                Ordered - natural Communism
                                Anarchic - no authorities
                                Socialist Labour - democratic uncompromising
                                Social Liberal
                                        Liberals (history)
                                                Liberal Democrats
                                        Democrats (USA)
                                Social Collective
                                        New Labour
                                        SDP - early failure
                        Conserve - Conservative/ Republicans
                                National/ Historic
                                        Militant Labour
                                        Fascists and Neo-Fascists
                                        Oligopolies - international power
                                        Imperfect - competition but under giants
                                        International stock markets
                                        International finance
                                        Centrist - failed plans
                                        Decentralised - lack of accountability
                                        Government Budget - huge and dominant
                                                Private finance State
                                Postindustrial (postmodern)
                                        Just in time
                                        Individualist taste
                                        Niche markets
                                        Rapid innovation
                                        Work teams - tasks
                                        Demerging/ decentralisation
                        Class power - socialist failure
                        Bureaucratic logic - cog in machine
                        Conscience Collective - mass culture
                        Functional Systemic - system harmony
                        Reciprocity - give and take
                        Symbolism - language and communication
                        Conversation - liberty and space
                        Dialogue - groups and democratic ethos
                        Communicative Reason - negotiate to disinterested truth
                        Society as dramas in flux
        Social Anthropology
                        Unconscious Structure
                                Binary opposites Structuralism classification
                                        Conflict within structures
                                        Cohesion from balancing oppositions
                                Idealised whole and real variations
                                Primitive classification and logic
                                        Kinship-political classifying
                                                Kinship to States
                                Mind structure
                        Development and Dependency - radical
                        Economics and Exchange
                        Reciprocity binding individuals
                                Ritual give and take - order
                                Thick description
                        Roles and constraints
                                Custom constrains individualism
                        Narrative and writing
                        Gestalt - holist gap filling and eureka essence
                        Cognitive - processing, habit; concrete to abstract
                                Cognitive developed - whole confident meaningful person
                        Humanistic - freedom, needs and fulfilment
                        Behaviourism - in and out
                        Male - Female

Note on viewing the MindMaps: There is no successful way to print the final two images of the Mind Maps below as they are too large. Use the printer friendly text version (.PDF file: Acrobat Reader or similar needed). Left click on each image to examine in detail by viewing the opening .PDF file at between 200% and 400% (or more) according to preference. Use its hand cursor to move around the screen. The printing to paper of these .PDFs is too concentrated.