Creature | Lives | Eats |
Northern Mole | Lives underground and able to move forwards and backwards through tunnels | Earthworms |
Red Squirrel | Only native tree squirrel in Europe | Seeds, nuts, young tree shoots |
Roe Deer | Prefers open woodland | Leaves, shrubs, grasses, nuts, fungi |
Bank Vole | Deciduous woodland and hedges | Vegetation and insects |
Otter | By lakes and rivers | Fish, eels, invertebrates, water birds, small mammals |
Wild Cat | Dense woodland and rocky hills | Small mammals, small deer, lambs, birds, fish some insects |
European Mink | Marsh lands, lakes, rivers | Water voles, rodents, birds, frogs, fish |
Salmon | After one to four years at sea returns to its birth river to spawn | Fishes and crustaceans |
Buzzard | Woods, fields and plains | |
Red Fox | Woodland or urban areas | Small mammals, squirrels and rabbits |
Rabbit | Grassland, scrub, open woodland | Grass, cereals, roots, young trees |
Weasel | All places including urban areas | Mice, voles, rodents, birds, eggs |
Badger | Within burrow systems in woods and copses | Earthworms, small mammals, carrion, fruit, nuts, bulbs |
Capercailie | Fir trees on hills | |
Red Deer | Dense deciduous forest, moorland, some open woodland | Browsing animals, young shoots, deciduous leaves, nuts, fruits, shrub leaves |
Mountain Hare (seen just outside Bonskeid) | Mountainous areas above treeline in grassland and moor | Grasses and shrubs like heather |