Life Art

Sea Grouping (Three Paintings)

Portrait with a T-Shirt This is an acrylic painting on a small canvas of 20 by 30 cm. There is some marker pens and fibre tipped pens support beyond the initial drawing. It was completed on 20th August 2020. The image at 950 by 1200 pixels is shown at 50%.

The drawing used pastel highlighters, marker pens and fibre tipped pens. It was drawn on 19th August 2020. The image at 950 by 1200 pixels is shown at 50%.

Portrait by the Sea was completed with acrylics on 22nd August 2020 on to a 30 cm by 40 cm canvas. It is from the same source as a previous smaller canvas t-shirt painting. The background here is completely imaginary. The image at 930 by 1200 pixels is shown at 50%.

The drawing used pastel highlighters, fibre tipped pens and marker pens. I thought the head was too big on the previous portrait, even if it was the result of wide angle lens photography. This one emphasises that the t-shirt is tied to a knot. It was drawn on 20th August 2020.The image is 930 by 1200 pixels and displayed reduced (50%).

Sat on the Beach is an acrylics painting, with the support of marker pens, and was completed on 1st September 2020. The photograph source was from the model but the beach and sea background is imaginary. A towel or blanket replaces her dress and she sits on a blanket rather than on the arm of a sofa. A critic said there were too many lines of waves, and so I reduced them. The canvas is 40 by 30 cm. The image at 1600 by 1140 pixels is shown at about 37.5%.

The drawing used fibre tipped pens, marker pens, pastel highlighters and water. It was drawn on 29th August 2020. The image is 1600 by 1140 pixels and displayed reduced (about 37.5%).

Adrian Worsfold